奥地利官方域名扩展是 .AT。
奥地利是地处中欧的联邦议会制共和国。它是一个内陆国家,北部毗邻到捷克,西北是德国,东部是斯洛伐克和匈牙利,南部是意大利和斯洛文尼亚和到西部是瑞士和列支敦士登。 它是欧盟的一员,被细分为9个州和84区。首府是维也纳,在欧洲历史和文化的一个重要的十字路口。
Domain registration Svalbard
The official domain extension for Svalbard is .SJ.
At present, it is not possible to register a domain name with this extension.
Svalbard is an archipelago of around 30 islands located in the Arctic Ocean, constituting the northernmost part of Norway. The largest islands are Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet ed Edgeøya (uninhabited).
The islands cover a total area of 61,022 km² and the polar climate means that the majority of the land is covered in ice. The archipelago is administered by an appointed governor, who lives in the city of Longyearbyen, the most populated urban settlement, with 2,100 residents of the total of 2,642.
The official language is Norwegian, and the local currency is the Norwegian Krone. The main economic resources are coal reserves, fishing and tourism.
圣诞岛官方域名扩展是 .CX。
科科斯群岛官方域名扩展是 .CC。
安圭拉官方域名扩展是 .AI。
安道尔官方域名扩展是 .AD。
匈牙利官方域名扩展是 .HU。
乌克兰官方域名扩展是 .UA。
乌克兰是一个半总统制共和国和前苏联共和国,位于东欧。它的东面是俄罗斯,西面是斯洛伐克和波兰,北面是白俄罗斯,西南面是匈牙利,南而是罗马尼亚和摩尔达维亚。 它拥有黑海广阔的南部海岸。它被分成24个区域;是欧盟和北约的一员。
乌克兰首都是基辅,位于该国北部,靠近第聂伯河。 官方语言为乌克兰语和当地的货币是乌克兰格里夫尼亚。在后共产主义经济体加强了其在农业的主要活动(出口亚麻,大麻,马铃薯,轻微型谷物,甜菜),畜牧业和木材采伐(广袤的森林每年提供了数百万立方米)。
该国还拥有各种铁和煤炭储量,以及石油和天然气。 最先进的行业是钢铁,这是因为雄厚的国家原材料储备。
Domain registration Switzerland
The official domain extension for Switzerland is .CH.
Registering this domain extension is a recommended strategic move for those companies with interests in Switzerland or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Switzerland is a federal parliamentary republic, consisting of 26 cantons, located in Central Europe. It is a landlocked country, bordered to the north by Germany, to the east by Austria and Liechtenstein, to the south by Italy and to the west by France.
It covers a total area of 41,285 km², with a large proportion of mountainous terrain: to the north west, the Jura Mountains; further south, the Alps and Prealps form a divide before the three big valleys of the Rhone, the Rhine and the Inn rivers; more mountain ranges can be found even further south, in the form of the Graie Alps and Pennine Alps.
The population experienced significant growth during the last century, thanks to a constant influx of immigrants (a phenomenon that continues today, though it is regulated by internal measures to combat negative effects), reaching over 8 million in 2013. A large proportion of the population lives in the biggest cities, such as Zurich, the capital Bern, Basel, Lausanne and Geneva. Linguistically, Switzerland is also very diverse, indeed, it has 4 officially recognised languages: Italian, German, French and Romansh. The local currency is the Swiss Franc.
Switzerland has a stable and flourishing economy. Primary sector activities, which receive state subsidies, include agriculture (grain, fruit, especially apples and grapes), cattle farming (especially dairy, for butter, milk and local cheeses) and timber extraction (which is strictly regulated).
The country also has an advanced manufacturing sector, despite a lack of domestic raw materials. The most developed areas are pharmaceuticals, metals, textiles and food.
The foundation of Switzerland’s wealth and prosperity, however, lies in the tertiary sector, namely in a powerful and meticulously organised banking industry. By no means least important is the country’s considerable tourist industry, which exploits the abundance in traditional Swiss holiday destinations.
Domain registration Sweden
The official domain extension for Sweden is .SE.
Registering this domain extension is definitely a strategic move for those companies with interests in Sweden or that are looking to protect their trademark within the country.
Sweden is a constitutional monarchy located in Northern Europe, in the east of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It is bordered to the north west and west by Norway and to the north east by Finland; it sits on the Gulf of Bothnia to the east and the Baltic Sea to the south east. The Skagerrak strait divides it from Norway in the south west. It is divided into 21 counties and has been a member of the European Union since 1995.
The country covers a total area of 450,295 km², with three ‘lands’ that vary geographically: the northern Norrland, close to the Norwegian border, contains the Scandinavian Mountains and even higher peaks; the central Svealand consists of alluvial plains and lakes; and southern Götaland, with the province of Skåne in the extreme tip, a flatter area of populated farmland. The country places great importance on respecting its natural environment.
The population reached 9,495,113 in 2013, of whom almost all are Swedish; despite this, the influx of immigrants from surrounding countries has served to makeSweden a very ethnically diverse country.
The principal language, made official only recently, is Swedish; the local currency is the Krona. The capital, Stockholm, is located in the east of the country and is an important centre of culture and commerce.
The strength of the Swedish economy lies in its very high degree of progress, especially in sectors such as chemical, mechanical and metallurgic manufacturing. Local mineral resources, namely copper, lead and zinc, are particularly useful in the latter of these industries.
Livestock farming (cattle and fur farming) is another economic resource, and agriculture and fishing are exploited to a lesser degree. Not to be ignored are the extensive woodland resources in the hinterland, a patrimony that needs to be both exploited and safeguarded with the utmost care; indeed, the Swedish are renowned for focusing on innovation in the production of alternative, clean energy forms.